April 13, 2011

Unexpected Support

We have just begun our adoption journey, but I am already amazingly surprised at the support we are receiving. And not just the support, but those who are supporting us.

When we first submitted our application to WACAP (our adoption agency), I did not know how people would react to our adoption. Everyone has different views on adoption and not everyone agrees with it. While I want to respect their opinions, it is hard for me. As soon as we decided that we were ready to adopt, God allowed me to begin to feel love for this child. How can I understand any resistance to our adoption, when the end result is a child, our child?

On the other side of this, there are those who completely support us, even people who we have never met. We have had people offer to help us in ways that I never thought possible. People have sent kind words of encouragement that have truly touched us. We have received donations through our blog, through our t-shirt fundraiser, and in the mail. Our church has rallied behind us to support our cause. We are so amazed at God’s faithfulness.

Thank you to those of you who have come behind us and supported us. Your support means more to us than you know.

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