March 25, 2011

First set of paperwork – complete!

When the thought of adoption first crossed my mind, I had no idea how the process worked. I never realized the amount of time, effort, and energy it takes to adopt. It was rather simplistic in my mind; you decide to adopt, fill out a little paperwork, and then go a get your child.

As much as I would love for this process to be short and simple, I am thankful (for the most part) that the process is much more detailed. It is important that those who choose to adopt have detailed background checks, references, and training among other things. It is important to be sure that the children placed in orphanages are true orphans in the sense that they have no family who can care for them. Doing these things takes time and that time will be more than worth it.

A couple of posts back, I wrote about the huge amount of paperwork that we have to complete. Well folks, the first set is complete!! Praise the Lord! We were beyond excited when we received our Australian criminal checks this week. I never thought those things would get here. But just like I have been learning, everything is in God’s timing and not mine. He knows when each bit of this process needs to be completed to ensure that we bring our baby home in His perfect timing.




Brandon and Blair said...

One step closer to our new nephew or niece! Yay! :-)

Lindsey said...

I know!!! Now on to the Dossier :)