January 11, 2012

Roller Coaster

Has anyone ever told you that adoption causes you to go through a roller coaster of emotions? Well, if they have, they weren’t joking.

The part about adoption that causes me to be the craziest is the fact that I have ABSOLUTELY NO control.  We are hoping and praying that we bring our child home this year, but we know there is a possibility we won’t. Heck, there is a chance Uganda will close tomorrow and then what? 

Last year at this time, we started our adoption process. (Can you believe it has been one year?) I was SO ready to be on the wait list. I needed to have a number on a wait list and I needed to have a time frame. I was being very impatient and trying to control the timing of our family.

Sometimes I put these silly little timelines out there. I say “well I really would like to have all of our children by age 35”. WHAT? Who do I think I am?
We have these wonderful, sweet friends who are in their late 40’s. They just had a perfect, healthy, little girl and they are GLOWING. I know that does not work for everyone, but what would I miss if I said “no more” after 35?

I am thankful that God has given me a patience that I did not have before. I am enjoying being a family of 4. I still have the feeling that someone is missing from our family; that we are not complete. But I now trust more in God’s perfect timing.

I still get impatient. There are even moments of fleeting temptation to switch to a quicker option.
But there is one word that I have to keep coming back to, trust. God has been faithful and he will continue to be faithful. He has a plan for our family and I have to trust in Him.

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