Well this weekend Mark was out of town which sort of presented a problem. I realized shortly after he left that I have NEVER stayed at home by myself. Mark has only gone out of town a few times and I always go to my parents’ house. So needless to say, Saturday night was a little rough.
I have decided that I am a scaredy cat for the following reasons:
- I am a sissy
- I like to watch crime shows even though I know I will pay for it later. They are like train wrecks to me. I know I shouldn't watch them, but I can’t seem to turn the channel. I convince myself that it would be worse to turn it off than to not finish it.
- Recently, someone randomly rang our doorbell at 12:15am and then walked away…freaky.
- Did I mention that I am a sissy? Because I am.
I would love to say that after hearing this, I am good to go. But like all of us, I am a work in progress. It was a great reminder that I need to be more focused on Christ…and I should probably stop watching crime shows :)