September 19, 2011

If I could go back…

I would hold my babies more and not worry about “spoiling them”

I would take full advantage of cuddle time and not let a to do list get in the way

Tonight, I was rocking Noah before his bedtime, and it dawned on me, I am not going to have this opportunity much longer. Taylor hardly ever wants to be rocked or cuddled. Noah rarely sits still long enough to be held.

What if I lost the opportunity to sit and cuddle with my children? With Taylor I worried that I might “spoil” her.  And with Noah, I did not have the same cuddle opportunities because Tay was still so young when he was born. And when I did have the opportunity, all I could think about was what needed to be done. So instead of cuddling with my baby, I moved on to my checklist.

Tonight, I took full advantage of rocking Noah, knowing that these chances will too soon be gone.


Anonymous said...

I remember looking back and thinking the same thing with you and Brandon. I am glad you are getting your "rocking" time in. Our "babies" grow up way too fast. I love you. Mom

kcochrane said...

One of the best pieces of advice I heard when I was pregnant with Cohen was to enjoy every single middle-of-the-night feeding, and hold him anytime he would let me. I am so thankful for that advice. I still carry him most of the time, instead of letting him walk, even though I am 9 months pregnant.
Love those babies up!